+01207191111 +01207187777

The Department of Neurosurgery is characterized by the constant availability of neurosurgery doctors to evaluate cases around the clock and evaluate severe and minor injuries to the brain, spine and peripheral nerves using the latest diagnostic devices and treatment modalities as surgical navigators to determine the location of brain tumors accurately and peripheral nerve stimulation devices and devices that break up tumors inside the brain, and the mobile radiology device used in determining the exact level of vertebrae in spinal operations.


Department of Neurosurgery

  • Excision of brain tumors and skull base tumors.
  • Trans-sphenoidal excision of pituitary tumors through the nose.
  • Brain hemorrhage Evacuation of all kinds.
  • Ventriculo-peritoneal and theco-peritoneal shunt.
  • Cervical and lumbar Laminectomy.
  • Cervical and lumbar cartilage discectomy.
  • Treatment of cases of brain and spinal injuries that require surgical interventions.