+01207191111 +01207187777

The department of Audiology consists of a unit to measure the level of hearing for adults and children and newborns and units for the research of balance and rehabilitation of diseases. and the Speech department is characterized by the examination and imaging of the larynx of children and newborns, the early detection of Audiology tumors and vocal cords and the conduct of micro-operations of vocal cords and the conduct of injections Botox vocal cords for patients with diagnostic acoustic supposition and the use of hyaluronic acid injections in the treatment of impaired voice cord movement, voice training sessions and post-laryngeal sessions and diagnosis and treatment of delayed language growth in children, impaired hearing and after transplantation Cochlear diagnosis and treatment of speech defects


Audiology department

  • Adult hearing level measurement unit.
  • Audiometry unit for children with games.
  • Hearing level measurement unit for children and newborns with induced effort.
  • Cochlear software unit and hearing aids.
  • Induced voltage measurement unit for tests of the cerebral cortex and brain stem.
  • Basic and advanced balance research unit.
  • The Rehabilitation Unit for Balanced Diseases.

Speech Department

  • Soft endoscopy of the nose to examine and photograph the larynx.
  • Endoscopic endoscopy to examine and photograph the larynx.
  • Filming the vibrations of the vocal cords.